章程翻译中的股东大会程序条款 您所在的位置:网站首页 翻译 股东 章程翻译中的股东大会程序条款


2024-07-09 02:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Proceedings at General Meetings股东大会程序条款是公司章程(Article of Association)中的一项重要条款,对股东大会的审议事项、出席股东大会的法定人数、股东参加股东大会的方式、股东大会主席、股东表决及未召开股东大会形成的决议等具体内容进行了规定。此条款一般比较全面。  



1. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business.

2. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of Shareholders is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business.


其实,区别还是有的,只是一般情况下比较小而已。“Members”指名字已被登记在“Register of Members”中 的人,而“Shareholders”指购买公司股份、拥有公司股本的人,他们只有当名字已被登记在“Register of Members”中时,才是“Members”。


例如:X先生持有30股A公司股份,其名字已登记在“Register of Members”, 且未向任何人出售其股份。


例如:X先生持有30股A公司股份,他已于2012年8月11日将自己的股份出售给Y先生,但当天名字仍登记在“Register of Members”中。


例如:Y先生于2012年8月11日从X先生处购得30股A公司股份,且他已将股份转让文件交至公司以进行“Register Members”的登记。


当然也还有一些公司(如:Companies limited by guarantee 担保有限公司)并没有股本,这种情况下,自然他们的“Members”也就不是“Shareholders”。



3. All business carried out at a general meeting shall be deemed special with the exception of sanctioning a dividend, the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, any report of the Directors or of the Company’s auditors, and the fixing of the remuneration of the Company's auditors. No special business shall be transacted at any general meeting without the consent of all Shareholders entitled to receive notice of that meeting unless notice of such special business has been given in the notice convening that meeting.



4. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. At least one Member holding not less than an aggregate of one-third of all voting share capital of the Company in issue present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote shall be a quorum for all purposes.


5. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of Shareholders is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Save as otherwise provided by these Articles, one or more Shareholders holding at least a majority of the paid up voting share capital of the Company present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at that meeting shall form a quorum.


6. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved.


7. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Shareholders, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting the Shareholder or Shareholders present and entitled to vote shall form a quorum.




8. If the Directors wish to make this facility available for a specific general meeting or all general meetings of the Company, participation in any general meeting of the Company may be by means of a telephone or similar communication equipment by way of which all Persons participating in such meeting can communicate with each other and such participation shall be deemed to constitute presence in person at the meeting.


9. If determined by the Board of Directors and specified in the notice of a general meeting, a person may participate at a general meeting by conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all the persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other. Participation by a person in a general meeting in this manner is treated as presence in person at that meeting.



10. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside as chairman at every general meeting of the Company, except as provided in Article 61 below. If at any meeting the Chairman of the Board of Directors is not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting or is unwilling to act as chairman, the Members present shall choose a chairman of the meeting.


11. The chairman, if any, of the Directors shall preside as chairman at every general meeting of the Company. If there is no such chairman, or if at any general meeting he is not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting or is unwilling to act as chairman, any Director or Person nominated by the Directors shall preside as chairman, failing which the Shareholders present in person or by proxy shall choose any Person present to be chairman of that meeting.




12. At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands, unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by one or more Members present in person or by proxy entitled to vote and who together hold not less than 10 percent of the paid up voting share capital of the Company, and unless a poll is so demanded, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has, on a show of hands, been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, that resolution.

If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken in such manner as the chairman directs, and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll was demanded. The demand for a poll may be withdrawn.

In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the chairman of the meeting at which the show of hands takes place or at which the poll is demanded, shall not be entitled to a second or casting vote.





13. A resolution (including a Special Resolution) in writing (in one or more counterparts) signed by or on behalf of all of the Members for the time being entitled to receive notice of and to attend and vote at general meetings (or, being corporations or other non-natural persons, signed by their duly authorized representatives) shall be as valid and effective as if the resolution had been passed at a general meeting of the Company duly convened and held.








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